The config file that I'm using is very simple and all the the messages follow the same path, i.e. it should hit the t_relay_to_udp function. The code that I have in the SER script is in my first message.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:21 AM, samuel <> wrote:
Check whether CANCEL requests follow the same path as INIVTE requests in your SER config file. Probably they don't and the CANCEL does not hit the t_relay function responsible for forwarding the CANCEL to the right destination and it is discarded as SER acts statelessly.

Hope it helps,

2008/3/5, Nuno Ribeiro <>:

Hi all,
I'm having a problem related with the "early" CANCEL's. The scenario is the following  one :
A PSTN call to a SIP phone. When the PSTN decides to cancel the call only a right after initiating, the PSTN will send the CANCEL message to the SER but this is discarded and not forwarded to the correct path to the SIP Phone. So what happens is that we have a ghost call.... The PSTN has already cancelled the call but the SIP phone continues to ring.
The code that I have in the SER script is really simple:




             t_relay_to_udp("", "5060");



In the log file I see that:

RFC3261 transaction matching failed

t_lookup_request: no transaction found

e2e_cancel: e2e cancel proceeding 

Could you help me?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,

Nuno Ribeiro

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Nuno Ribeiro