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Changelog since 6.1.0:
cdrtool (6.3.0) unstable; urgency=low
* Boost the speed of the rating engine from 100% to 1000% depending on the complexity of the rating tables * Fixed set of delimiter from setting when exporting csv files * Added GetEntityProfiles command to rating engine * Return json encoded for GetPrepaidHistory * Added script to create partial billing_rates tables * Moved $CDRTool['rating'] settings to $RatingEngine in * Added $RatingEngine['split_rating_table'] option to query rating data in multiple tables, each table name is autogenerated from the field * Fixed set of timeout for each SOAP connection * Adjust some column lengths Must apply setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql
cdrtool (6.2.3) unstable; urgency=low
* Print information about the normalize lock in syslog and to stdout * Log if rating engine takes more time to complete. Must set $RatingEngine['log_delay'] to a value in micro seconds in and restart ratingEngine * Small html changes in sip settings page * Renamed RatingEngine object to differ from the same setting name from
cdrtool (6.2.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Added setting in $RatingEngine['prepaid_lock'] to enable multiple parallel calls using the same prepaid account, this is done by disabling the lock (setting it to 0 or false). Disable the lock only if you accept that the balance might become negative * Added email filter to Sip->getAccounts() * Log the call start time in the head of rating info to eliminate the confusion when rating calls that span multiple profiles * Show total call duration in rate info head * Use <voice-mailbox> instead of absolute URIs for call diversions * Removed unnecessary code used in the past for replication of changes to remote soap engine * Fixed replication of customer account to remote platform * Add active_master to replicatedDatabases in * Added web link between sip target and sip_accounts * Rewrite of mysql monitoring functions * Added DeleteBalance and DeleteBalance History commands to rating engine * Use colors in mysql replication status * Added posibility to replicate customer entries in Customer Port * Added getPrepaidHistory function to the rating engine * Replaced false with 0 and true with 1 for the return values from rating engine * Show database ip address when replication monitor returns an error * Fixed name of sip_ports settings * Added setup/crontabs directory for non debian installations
cdrtool (6.2.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Correct update of radius records when mediaproxy field is NULL or !timeout You must reload the sql stored procedures from setup/radius/OpenSER/radius_accounting.proc or update Freeradius with setup/radius/OpenSER/sql.conf when not using the stored procedures * Log add balance to prepaid_history table
cdrtool (6.1.9) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed memory leak related to calling the same soap function several times * Added separate access numbers for FUNV, FBUS, FNOL, FNOA * Fixed load of customer properties in ngnpro client * Support multiple clusters for mysql replication monitor * Fixed vulnerability related to missing BYE and MediaProxy radius Update action (reported by Inaki Baz Castil) You must reload the sql stored procedures from setup/radius/OpenSER/radius_accounting.proc or update Freeradius with setup/radius/OpenSER/sql.conf when not using the stored procedures * Specify if output of soap functions is html formatted or not
cdrtool (6.1.8) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed mrtg buildStatistics call in cron.d (env LANG=C) * Added web page to show replications status and dynamic instructions about how to fix it * Replace $CDRTool['mysql_clusters'] in with $replicated_databases (see setup/ for syntax) * Delete DB1 and DB2 definitions from
cdrtool (6.1.7) unstable; urgency=low
* Set mobile_number per SIP account * Add sip_accounts_lite to soap engine settings * Update voicemail full name when sip account firstname or lastname changes * Create templates_c dir required by smarty * Added templates directory for sending welcome note
cdrtool (6.1.6) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed load of customer profiles for prepaid calls when no default customer defined
cdrtool (6.1.5) unstable; urgency=low
* Added lock icon when SIP UA registered using TLS contact * Added more information about renormalizing prepaid calls * Show port number and transport protocol in sip trace * Group trace message per IP instead of ip:port * Added welcome message per soap engine * Show error message when ngnpro client is not configured * Fixed link from sip domains to sip aliases page * Fixed ENUM soap port authentication in sip settings page * Replaced DB_ser with DB_openser Edit and replace DB_ser with DB_openser * Increased curl timeout for bulk SOAP operations * Return price in debit balance
cdrtool (6.1.4) unstable; urgency=low
* Remove sample mrtg files
cdrtool (6.1.3) unstable; urgency=high
* Fixed calculation of rating profiles when using having specific gateways/domains/subscribers * Fixed default port alocation for NGNPro version < 3 * Allow set of reseller 0.0 (admin) in login account * Show SipThor node in Sip settings title bar * Fixed management of presence rules * Fixed link from Sip accounts to sip settings page
cdrtool (6.1.2) unstable; urgency=high
* Fixed detection of CDR duration when minimumDuration was set
cdrtool (6.1.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Corrected default login account sql insert statement
Regards, Adrian