Hi Ram,


I had tried with many providers having Voice Master but have not been able to work with any of them. People have tried opening username and password account, only prefix based and only IP based authentication. But none have worked, VM keep rejecting calls.


As far as I understand VM checks IP Address/username in contact field as well, which I am unable to change. I can change username and or IP Address in from field using uac_replace_from but could not find anything to change the same in contact field of invite message.


Only Scenarios where I am able to send calls via VM are:


1.)     I have both the endpoint and openser’s IP Address to be opened at VM. ( In case I have IP only authentication account at VM end)

2.)     I send prefix from the endpoint end itself and not added at openser’s level. (In case I have prefix only authentication account at VM end).


But in both scenario’s openser becomes useless and can easily be bypassed by client as VM will allow calls directly from ENDPOINT as well.





From: ram [mailto:talk2ram@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 9:46 PM
To: Dan
Subject: Re: [OpenSER-Users] Openser and Voice master


how are u trying


should not be problem as for i know




On 9/11/07, Dan <fiedler.dan@gmail.com> wrote:



Has anybody able to successfully able to route calls to voicemaster from openser.


I tried all method but none worked. From username/password to IP based authentication to prefix based authentication.







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