

I want the registar module to lookup a user with a different ‘name’ as the RURI.


We have the extension & domain in variables, but the RURI is ext@ip-of-server, e.g. 200@, while we want to perform the lookup for 200@somedomain.tld. We have somedomain.tld in a header, so we have it in a variable.


However, if we perform the lookup like this (using Python module):

lookup_result = KSR.registrar.lookup('location')

We get a negative result, and the debug logs show that it tries to locate 200@ – which makes sense.

So according to docs you can specify an URI, however when I do this:

lookup_result = KSR.registrar.lookup('location' '200@somedomain.tld')

lookup_result is “False” and the function is not executed, according to docs because it cannot obtain the parameters for this function.


How can we force the registrar module to lookup a different user?