Hey All,
I've got an odd problem. I've configured
SER to talk to MySQL located on the localhost successfully. However, I
now want to move my MySQL database to a separate server from SER for
performance reasons.
The problem is that now I've moved the database server
and changed the db_url in my ser.cfg file and SER is still looking for the
local socket in /tmp/mysql.sock.
My db_url in ser.cgi looks like this:
# -- auth params --
modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1",
modparam("auth_db", "password_column",
modparam("auth_db", "db_url",
db1-grv1 is mapped to the mysql server IP in the /etc/hosts
file. I can connect fine remotely using the "mysql" client
tool and the user/pass above.
However, when I start SER I get the following ...
Listening on
my.ip.iz.her [my.ip.iz.her]:5060
Aliases: my.hst.iz.her:5060
WARNING: no fork mode
stateless - initializing
Maxfwd module- initializing
acc - initializing
0(28939) connect_db(): Can't connect to local MySQL server
through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
0(28939) db_init(): Error while trying to connect
0(28939) mod_init(): Error while connecting database
0(28939) init_mod(): Error while initializing module
ERROR: error while initializing modules
Any suggestions? Is my syntax for the "db_url"
parameter correct?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.