Thanks for the reply. I haven't used add_contact_alias/handle_ruri_alias before - how would I make use of them?
Should I call add_contact_alias() in the 200 reply route? And if so - when do I call handle_ruri_alias()?
On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 6:00 PM Alex Balashov wrote:
I may be mistaken, but my reading of 3261 is that a final dialog-forming response may update the remote target (Contact) previously sent by an early dialog-forming provisional reply.
That having been said, apart from using nathelper techniques (add_contact_alias() and handle_ruri_alias()), I can’t see a good way to deal with this problem. In general, SIP doesn’t really contemplate situations where the network and transport-layer reachability information of an endpoint changes mid-dialog except as part of a target refresh request (UPDATE, re-INVITE).
— Sent from mobile, with due apologies for brevity and errors.
On Oct 25, 2019, at 10:37 AM, Oded Arbel wrote:
Hi, we are having a problem with a network change use case. It goes on
something like this:
- Kamailio receives INVITE from caller.
- Kamailio sends INVITE to callee MUA.
- MUA response with 100, then 183.
- MUA then loses network connectivity and re-establishes access with
another IP address.
- MUA sends 200 OK from the new IP address, but with `Contact` still
set as the old address (which I think it should, because you aren't allowed to change contact in the middle of dialog?)
- Kamailio forwards 200 OK to caller and receives ACK.
- Kamailio sends ACK to old IP address of MUA.
The last step is obviously a problem as the MUA will not be able to see
the ACK.
I'm trying to see how to resolve this issue. I can capture the "$si" and
"$sp" of the new address in the reply route (I also tried to get the MUA to send OPTIONS immediately after reestablishing connectivity, and capture "$si"/"$sp" there, which also works), but I can't figure out how to update the destination of the ACK. I've tried running `fix_nated_contact()` as well as trying to write into various pseudo variables - in either the OPTIONS request handler or the 200 reply handler - which either errors or does nothing.
Any suggestions?
Oded Arbel
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