Hello Daniel,
I have no idea what is wrong with config file, because I only changed default DB passwords in original config. May be there were any other commits to git today ? Here is diff between current .cfg and .cfg from deb package: kamailio:/etc/kamailio# diff ./kamailio.cfg ./kamailio.cfg.orig 67c67 < debug=5 ---
70c70 < debug=5 ---
213c213 < "mysql://openser:xxxxxxxxxxxx@localhost/openser") ---
223c223 < "mysql://openser:xxxxxxxxxxxx@localhost/openser") ---
232c232 < "mysql://openser:xxxxxxxxxxxx@localhost/openser") ---
240c240 < # "mysql://openser:xxxxxxxxxxxx@localhost/openser") ---
# "mysql://openser:openserrw@localhost/openser")
247c247 < # "mysql://openser:xxxxxxxxxxxx@localhost/openser") ---
# "mysql://openser:openserrw@localhost/openser")
261c261 < "mysql://openser:xxxxxxxxxxxx@localhost/openser") ---
BR, Dmitri
there is no crash, but errors in config. Seems you have some is_method() without parameters: Feb 9 13:19:02 kamailio kamailio[3425]: ERROR: textops [textops.c:1636]: empty method name Feb 9 13:19:02 kamailio kamailio[3425]:<core> [mem/q_malloc.c:428]: qm_free(0x874ba0, 0x8e4a78), called from textops: textops.c: fixup_method(1637) Feb 9 13:19:02 kamailio kamailio[3425]:<core> [mem/q_malloc.c:450]: qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8e4a48 alloc'ed from textops: textops.c: fixup_method(1626) Feb 9 13:19:02 kamailio kamailio[3425]: ERROR:<core> [route.c:1026]: fixing failed (code=-1) at cfg:/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg:304 Feb 9 13:19:02 kamailio kamailio[3425]: ERROR:<core> [route.c:1026]: fixing failed (code=-1) at cfg:/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg:308 Feb 9 13:19:02 kamailio kamailio[3425]: ERROR:<core> [route.c:1026]: fixing failed (code=-1) at cfg:/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg:327 Feb 9 13:19:02 kamailio kamailio[3425]: ERROR:<core> [route.c:1026]: fixing failed (code=-1) at cfg:/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg:333
Check the line reported in above logs.
Cheers, Daniel