On 11.02.21 12:15, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
If not, then that has to be added because the purpose of record_route_preset() is to be able to set rr header as one needs based on variables that can be used in parameters. Note that the parameters are only "host:port;transport=", without protocol, for the reason to let the code decide between sip and sips.
I didn't quite understand the last sentence. In case of tls transport, also port of the socket usually needs to be different than in case of udp or tcp.
The address, port and protocol are taken from listen socket by the usual record_route() function, they are known.
I haven't tested yet, if I only give host, will record_route_preset() add both port and transport automatically based on which socket is used to send the request out.
In the case of record_route_preset(), it is the parameters that have to set them, address, port and transport, it is nothing added related to them.
Cheers, Daniel