On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 10:53:49AM +0100, Andreas Granig wrote:
Elena Ramona Modroiu wrote:
uac_restore_from() does restore To, unlike the name says. You have to call it for BYE.
Ah, I see, it's an error in my config.
I've replaced it with:
# ... if(is_user_in("From", "clir") || search("(To|t): "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@my.domain.*vsf=")) { setflag(7); uac_replace_from("Anonymous", "sip:anonymous@my.domain"); } # ...
Is there a simpler way to check for vsf-parameter in To-Header?
The restore function checks it in the simplest way but will check first the From header and then To. Other than search, I believe it is no another way from script.
And: you assume that SIP-URIs are always enclosed in <> when there's a parameter appended. Where do you take this assumption from?
Where did I make this assumption? It is wrong, having no <> is correct and follows the RFC. But in this case, the display name must not be present.
Because we've devices that don't do this (they just use "sip:foo@bar;tag=1234"). I haven't found this rule in the RFC, so can you please post the section so that we can inform the vendor (it's a Mediatrix 2102) about this?
Thanks, Andy