
the pcap shows only the OPTIONS requests, not the replies. Maybe you have to capture the traffic also on 8080 to catch it. It would important to see the reply and where it is sent back to kamailio.


On 24.06.21 09:24, Shahid Hussain wrote:
I have configured the dispatcher default socket as below IP , the expectation here is that kamailio should send all traffic from this IP (port will be ephemeral) over TCP.
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_default_socket", "tcp:")

This system also listens on port 8080 which is meant for websocket communication (dispatcher communication is over non websocket).

Kamailio is sending an OPTION message to dispatcher IP over TCP on 5060 and getting 200 OK response but Kamailio considering the response is on websocket port 8080 ,$Rp value is 8080.

onreply_route {
     if (($Rp == 8080 ) && !(proto == WS))
                xlog("L_WARN", "SIP response received on $Rp protocol:proto RIP:$Ri SIP:$si method:$rm cid:$ci replystatus:$rs len:$ml\n");
                xlog("L_WARN", "SIP message received: $mb\n");


Following is the output of above logs:
Jun 24 15:10:08 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[6223]: WARNING: {2 10 OPTIONS 1ab6573a4640823b-6209@} <script>: SIP response received on 8080 protocol:tcp  RIP: SIP: method:OPTIONS cid:1ab6573a4640823b-6209@ replystatus:200 len:416

Jun 24 15:10:08 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[6223]: WARNING: {2 10 OPTIONS 1ab6573a4640823b-6209@} <script>: SIP message received: SIP/2.0 200 OK#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK4526.92b79f34000000000000000000000000.0;received= <sip:dispatcher@localhost>;tag=1ae6c95d92f9ea9ce927f715de5c48c8-eb141029#015#012To: <sip:;transport=tcp>;tag=a9d542e0#015#012Call-ID: 1ab6573a4640823b-6209@ 10 OPTIONS#015#012Allow: INVITE, ACK, BYE, OPTIONS, CANCEL, INFO, UPDATE, NOTIFY#015#012Content-Length: 0

Also I have attached a pcap.

Dispatcher.list configuration:
1 sip:;transport=tcp 0 0 duid=sample-cas;maxload=1000


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