Hi Andres,
It's good it works now, but the fact that you had to strip out the
verification if the credential domain is the same with To/From one,
means there is something strange in your SIPURA configuration.
Probably the SIPURA uses
sip.domain.com as account domain (used in From
and To) and
domain.com domain for authentication.
Best regards,
Andres wrote:
I tried setting the realm_prefix paramenter like you suggested but still
get in the DEBUGs:
authorize(): Credentials realm and URI host do not match
...and the Radius is never queried.
So I went straight to authorize.c and took out:
if (puri.host.len != cred->digest.realm.len) {
DBG("authorize(): Credentials realm and URI host do not
match\n"); return -1;
if (strncasecmp(puri.host.s, cred->digest.realm.s, puri.host.len)
!= 0) {
DBG("authorize(): Credentials realm and URI host do not
return -1;
Now its all working fine.
Thanks Marian.
Voice System