Symmetric client uses the same port to send and receive messages.

On 9/20/06, Andrey Kuprianov < > wrote:
Forgive my ignorance. I know the term "symmetric client", but i dont
really know what that means. Can u please explain or just give me some
doc/rfc to read? :)


On 9/20/06, Vamsi Pottangi <> wrote:
> Is your application symmetric?
> On 9/20/06, Andrey Kuprianov <> wrote:
> >
>    Hi,
> Im facing this problem for a few days already. Hope someone might have
> an idea or two. It's a long email too, btw.
> Im testing my app behind NAT's with SER-0.9.6 + mediaproxy + Asterisk
> (conf server). While X-Lite works *fine* and I get 2 way audio always,
> my app seems to have some kind of weird bug and I end up with 1 way
> audio stream.
> Here's the thing. Application starts receiver and transmitter on
> completely different ports. Here's SDP for remote and local machines
> (public IP's been x'ed by myself, of course):
> This one's sent in INVITE message to SER ==>
> 69563 DEBUG media.MediaManager - Local SDP: (this one's from local machine)
> v=0
> o=xps 1158739216750 1158739216757 IN IP4
> s=MC
> c=IN IP4
> t=0 0
> m=audio 25000 RTP/AVP 0 8
> a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
> a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
> a=sendrecv
> This one's sent with 200 OK from SER ==>
> 69563 DEBUG media.MediaManager - Remote SDP:
> v=0
> o=root 2500 2500 IN IP4 203.159.x.x
> s=session
> c=IN IP4 203.159.x.x
> t=0 0
> m=audio 30004 RTP/AVP 0 8
> a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
> a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
> a=silenceSupp:off - - - -
> The further log shows that transmitters and receivers have started on
> the proper IP/port ==>
> 69594 DEBUG media.AVReceiver -  Start listening for RTP @ addr:
> port: 25000 ttl: 1
> 69657 DEBUG media.AVTransmitter - Created transmitter for:
> [203.159.x.x] at ports: [30004] encoded as: [[ULAW/rtp, alaw]]
> 69657 DEBUG media.MediaManager - Starting transmission
> 69672 DEBUG media.AVTransmitter - Track 0 is set to transmit as:
> ULAW/rtp, 8000.0 Hz, 8-bit, Mono, FrameSize=8 bits
> 69860 INFO media.AVTransmitter - Binded to port 30004
> 69875 DEBUG media.AVTransmitter - Started transmitting track 0 encoded
> as ULAW/rtp @ [203.159.x.x]:30004
> Nevertheless, the Ethereal capture shows that mediaproxy sends the
> stream NOT to port 25000 (local port), but to port 30004 (remote
> port)!! Why? This is not the case with X-Lite, however. Xlite captures
> show that streams are sent to proper ports always. Btw, Im attaching
> SIP+RTP Ethereal captures with this mail. Please, take a look.
> I also want to mention, that this doesnt happen with my app. for all
> the NATed nets. In some nets it works fine, but not in this one. Just
> weird.
> Please, let me know if anyone has ideas or hints regarding this nonsence :)
>    Bests,
>     Andrey.
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