if you are a student (or you know a student) interested in working with SIP Router over the summer, earning some money as well, please apply for GSoC Conferencing Presence support (or forward this email).
The description of the project is done at: http://www.sip-communicator.org/index.php/GSOC2010/Kamailio4575
If you have technical details about the project please ask them on sr-dev@lists.sip-router.org. For GSoC related questions, please address to: gsoc@sip-communicator.dev.java.net.
A good FAQ for applicants is available at: http://www.sip-communicator.org/index.php/GSOC2010/HowToApply
Application must be done directly to the google site, link provided in the FAQ.
I will be in charge of mentoring this particular project, helping you as much as possible to understand the current presence server architecture and the core API of sip router.
Cheers, Daniel