
The issue with the number appended after the domain was because I was changing $fU variable before calling uac_replace_from function. Now it's OK, just wonder about the caller id name, is it OK to have there double space when using this function?
The issue here is that one of our Upstream operators is checking that field and in case of absence it's setting the caller id number automatically to unknown number, which shouldn't happen, but unfortunately there is not too much to do on our side except fixing that double space character.
Thank you.

On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 at 14:00, Ilie Soltanici <iliusha.md@gmail.com> wrote:

The uac_replace_from seems not to be working properly in the ver 5.4.

This is the header I'm trying to change:
From: "Admin" <sip:+123456789@local.ip>;tag=as11428589

by using this function:

I'm getting the following header:
From:  <sip:+123456789@domain.com35316853757>;tag=as11428589
(Double space in the callerid name, and number appended after the domain)

Thank you.