Hi Agalya,
I'm not sure I understand this part: "In the mock server if I send the response with a delay of 1 sec then, TCP port are opened and closed for every HTTP transfer.".
Are there other requests while the current connection is waiting for a response?

Perhaps the best way is to provide a sanitised network trace for us to see the details.

Best Regards,

On 1 May 2017 at 21:44, Ramachandran, Agalya (Contractor) <Agalya_Ramachandran@comcast.com> wrote:

Hi Giacomo,


I am using http_async_client module to do http transfer.

Currently am testing the HTTP service with a mock server.


If I send the HTTP response immediately for the POST request, then the TCP connections are reused from kamailio.

In the mock server if I send the response with a delay of 1 sec then, TCP port are opened and closed for every HTTP transfer.


Is there a way or any configuration to limit the number of TCP port opening for the HTTP transfers?

Please clarify me.

