Hi Hamid!
Please send also the 200 OK received be the SIP client - to verify if the ACK is correct. Further, please use ngrep as the SIP dumps are more readable:
ngrep -W byline port 5060
regards klaus
Hamid Ali Asgari wrote:
I don't guess it is bad ACK routing, since the ACK routing works fine if the UA is Windows Messenger.
But it may be a bad formated ACK (not sure). Bellow are the ACKS from both UAs, one difference is in the RequestLine; the one form Wmessenger has "lr=on" but the other one from the my UA sets only "lr". Alothough I am not sure if this would be the case.
Hope SIP gurus and openser pros could shine a light on this.
Thanks, Hamid
ACK from Windows Messenger
Session Initiation Protocol RequestLine: ACK sip:;ftag=27ccb8cd605f40e7bb41568eaec3a335;lr=on SIP/2.0 Method: ACK Resent Packet: False Message Header Via: SIP/2.0/UDP MaxForwards: 70 From: "103@shatel.ir" sip:103@shatel.ir; tag=27ccb8cd605f40e7bb41568eaec3a335; epid=9998c5a301 SIP Display info: "103@shatel.ir" SIP from address: sip:103@shatel.ir SIP tag: 27ccb8cd605f40e7bb41568eaec3a335 To: sip:0098146@shatel.ir;tag=22FA78219D SIP to address: sip:0098146@shatel.ir SIP tag: 22FA78219D CallID: d253f8dd0d6546819347b0ba28986e24 CSeq: 1 ACK Route: sip:0098146@ UserAgent: RTC/1.3 ContentLength: 0
ACK from my UA
Session Initiation Protocol RequestLine: ACK sip:;ftag=analogsip28734;lr SIP/2.0 Method: ACK Resent Packet: False Message Header Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK9072 To: 0098146 sip:0098146@shatel.ir;tag=9A65C1F0E SIP Display info: 0098146 SIP to address: sip:0098146@shatel.ir SIP tag: 9A65C1F0E From: 102@shatel.ir sip:102@shatel.ir;tag=analogsip28734 SIP Display info: 102@shatel.ir SIP from address: sip:102@shatel.ir SIP tag: analogsip28734 CallID: 32268@ CSeq: 101 ACK Route:sip:0098146@shatel.ir Contact: sip:102@ Contact Binding: sip:102@ URI: sip:102@ SIP contact address: sip:102@ MaxForwards: 70 ContentLength: 0