El Monday 16 June 2008 13:16:17 David Villasmil escribió:
I also have installed and configure cdrtool, but I
can't seem to make
it work properly, as documentation is very bad I had to half-make it
work in starts and fits. Now i got it to al least show the destination
description as per the destination table which is linked to the rates
table, but it doesn't assigns the rate or calculates the price for the
call... this is very frustating... but hey, I'm learning here!
Your tables are incorect. Let me put an example for Spain:
* Destinations table:
- Destination ID: 34 (needed !!!)
- Description: Spain
* Customers:
- Domain:
sip.yourdomain.com (the domain which clients authenticate).
You can also set the source IP (Gateway) instead if all your clients come from
the same source IP.
* Profiles:
- Profile ID: Normal
- Rate Id1: reducida
- 00-H1: 8
- Rate Id2: cara
- H1-H2: 22
- Rate Id3: reducida
- H2-H3: 24
* Rates:
- Rate Id: reducida
- Destination: 34
- Price: 5
- App: audio ( NEEDED !!! )
- Conecct: 0
- Rate Id: cara
- Destination: 34
- Price: 20
- App: audio ( NEEDED !!! )
- Conecct: 0
Iñaki Baz Castillo