
if you don't use kamailio with dialog module and set the call lifetime to 25 seconds, then kamailio is not sending the BYE. Without dialog module, kamailio never sends a BYE.

If you can see the BYE, look at the Via headers, the last one should be with the address of the UA sending it.


On 01.02.18 16:44, Wilkins, Steve wrote:

Hello All,


I am running Kamailio 5 and using  Asterisk 14 as PBX.  I have a strange issue.  When I receive calls from some providers to a WebRTC client, calls hang up after about 25 seconds.  This does not happen with all providers and does not happen with WebRTC client to WebRTC client calls.  It appears the “BYE” is coming from Kamailio.  Any ideas?


Thank you,


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