i started to test sr presence and for some reason sr does not send out
any publish request when i issue one via pua_mi.
i have in route [xmlrpc_requests]:
xlog("L_INFO", "Handling XMLRPC $rm from <$si> with body
syslog shows that sr receives xmlrpc request:
Aug 29 19:42:13 sip /usr/sbin/pres-serv[2118]: INFO: Handling XMLRPC
POST from <> with body <<?xml
and wireshark shows that sr xmlrpc server responds to it with 200 ok.
but after than nothing happens, i.e., according to wireshark no publish
request is sent out. i have pua and pua_mi modules loaded and outbound
proxy defined:
modparam("pua", "outbound_proxy", "sip:")
there is no error messages in syslog. any idea why sr does not send
publish to outbound proxy? this used to work with opensips.
-- juha