WARNING: no fork mode and more than one listen address found (will use only the first one)
 0(8777) INFO: <core> [core/tcp_main.c:4721]: init_tcp(): using epoll_lt as the io watch method (auto detected)
 0(8777) INFO: jsonrpcs [jsonrpcs_sock.c:197]: jsonrpc_dgram_mod_init(): the socket /var/run/kamailio/kamailio_rpc.sock already exists, trying to delete it...
 0(8777) INFO: rr [../outbound/api.h:52]: ob_load_api(): unable to import bind_ob - maybe module is not loaded
 0(8777) INFO: rr [rr_mod.c:177]: mod_init(): outbound module not available
 0(8777) INFO: <core> [main.c:2669]: main(): processes (at least): 16 - shm size: 67108864 - pkg size: 8388608
 0(8777) INFO: <core> [core/udp_server.c:153]: probe_max_receive_buffer(): SO_RCVBUF is initially 212992
 0(8777) INFO: <core> [core/udp_server.c:205]: probe_max_receive_buffer(): SO_RCVBUF is finally 425984
 0(8777) WARNING: <core> [main.c:1347]: main_loop(): using only the first listen address (no fork)
 5(8782) INFO: jsonrpcs [jsonrpcs_sock.c:443]: jsonrpc_dgram_process(): a new child 0/8782
 6(8783) INFO: ctl [io_listener.c:214]: io_listen_loop(): io_listen_loop:  using epoll_lt io watch method (config)
^C 6(8783) INFO: <core> [main.c:836]: sig_usr(): signal 2 received
 5(8782) INFO: <core> [main.c:836]: sig_usr(): signal 2 received
 4(8781) INFO: <core> [main.c:836]: sig_usr(): signal 2 received
 3(8780) INFO: <core> [main.c:836]: sig_usr(): signal 2 received
 1(8778) INFO: <core> [main.c:836]: sig_usr(): signal 2 received
 0(8777) ALERT: <core> [main.c:751]: handle_sigs(): child process 8782 exited normally, status=0
 0(8777) ALERT: <core> [main.c:751]: handle_sigs(): child process 8778 exited normally, status=0
 0(8777) ALERT: <core> [main.c:751]: handle_sigs(): child process 8781 exited normally, status=0
 0(8777) ALERT: <core> [main.c:751]: handle_sigs(): child process 8783 exited normally, status=0
 0(8777) ALERT: <core> [main.c:751]: handle_sigs(): child process 8780 exited normally, status=0
 0(8777) INFO: <core> [main.c:778]: handle_sigs(): dont_fork turned on, living on
 0(8777) INFO: <core> [main.c:772]: handle_sigs(): SIGCHLD received, but no child has stopped, ignoring it
 0(8777) NOTICE: <core> [main.c:709]: handle_sigs(): Thank you for flying kamailio!!!
 2(8779) INFO: <core> [main.c:836]: sig_usr(): signal 15 received
 0(8777) INFO: <core> [core/sctp_core.c:53]: sctp_core_destroy(): SCTP API not initialized