Hello everyone,
How is this possible? I have the table usr_preferences, this query runs fine: if(avp_db_query("SELECT value FROM usr_preferences WHERE username = '$fU' AND attribute = 'e911'", "$avp(i:911)")), in other words if I take the query that should be constructed here, and is constructed here, and I run it in mysql cli, I get back a result, however this function "does not" create the AVP for me, no matter what I do, I run this, and I run xlog("L_INFO", "the avp \$avp(i:911) equals.... $avp(i:911)"); however it says its NULL every single time, what am I doing wrong, I've read and reread the AVP documentation over a million times, however can not get this simply working, all help is appreciated, thank you.
Brandon Armstead