
I'm trying to configure ser in order to authenticate to mysql database.

I've installed ser from debian package version: ser 0.9.3 (i386/linux)

I've look for help into Google but I can't find any valuable help. This is the error message:

 0(0) DEBUG: init_mod: auth
 0(0) auth module - initializing
 0(0) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so]
 0(0) DEBUG: init_mod: auth_db
 0(0) auth_db module - initializing
 0(0) find_mod_export: <db_use_table> in module sql not found
 0(0) bind_dbmod: Module sql does not export db_use_table function
 0(0) ERROR: auth_db_bind: unable to bind to the database module
 0(0) init_mod(): Error while initializing module auth_db

Can anyone help me?

Aquel que planta árboles bajo los
que sabe muy bien que nunca se
sentara, ha descubierto el auténtico
significado de la vida.