Hi List
I'm trying to inspect the content of the $xavp(tm_contacts) to figure
out how t_load_contacts exactly behaves when called multiple times.
$var(k) = 0;
while ($xavp(tm_contacts[$var(k)]) != $null) {
$var(out) = "nothing";
xlog("L_INFO", "$cfg(route): tm_contacts idx:
$var(k) => $var(out)\n");
$var(k) = $var(k) + 1;
My stack contains multiple entries.
Unfortunately I struggle to access the lower entries.
xavp_params_implode("tm_contacts[$var(k)]", "$var(out)");
does nothing when $var(k) > 0
What is the best way to dump a complete xavp stack?
I suspect t_load_contacts does flush the complete stack. Is there a way
to stack an xavp on top of another one?
Something like:
xavp_rm("contact_stack"); # Initialize Stack
lookup("location", "sip:alice@example.com");
$xavp(contact_stack) = $xavp(tm_contacts);
lookup("location", "sip:bob@example.com");
$xavp(contact_stack) = $xavp(tm_contacts); # contact_stack now contains alice + bob
lookup("location", "sip:carlie@example.com");
# $xavp(tm_contacts) now contains only charlie.
$xavp(tm_contacts) = $xavp(contact_stack);
# $xavp(tm_contacts) now contains only alice, bob + charlie.
t_next_contacts(); # Push contacts to destination list creating branches.
t_relay(); # Invite all contacts
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
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