El Wed, 24 Nov 2010 13:14:52 +0100
Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc(a)aliax.net> escribió:
If the problem occurs after retrieving dialog module status then it
could be not so trivial.
Some more info:
I looked at my history and looks like I was right about dialog module:
test3:~# kamctl fifo get_statistics usrloc::registered_users
usrloc:registered_users = 2
test3:~# kamctl fifo get_statistics :dialog::active_dialogs
dialog:active_dialogs = 0
test3:~# kamctl fifo get_statistics usrloc:
usrloc:registered_users = 1
usrloc:location-users = 1
usrloc:location-contacts = 1
usrloc:location-expires = 1
test3:~# kamctl fifo get_statistics usrloc::location-contacts
dialog:location-contacts = 1
It started after retrieving stats from dialog.
If I restart kamailio I still get the wrong output:
test3:~# kamctl fifo get_statistics usrloc::location-users
dialog:location-users = 1
test3:~# /etc/init.d/kamailio restart
Restarting kamailio: kamailioloading modules
under /usr/lib/kamailio/modules_k:/usr/lib/kamailio/modules Listening on
udp: []:5060
tcp: []:5060
test3:~# kamctl fifo get_statistics usrloc::location-users
dialog:location-users = 1