Hi folks,

I am moving production to SER2 rc 2.0 and can not make @to.tag==""  to work.

For example, in initial INVITEs:

      # if this is an initial INVITE (without a To-tag) we might try another
        # (forwarding or voicemail) target after receiving an error
        if (method=="INVITE" && @to.tag=="") {
                xlog("L_ERR","LXLOG: initial INVITE (no Totag) setting FAILURE_ROUTE");

FAILURE_ROUTE is never called.

While next check works (in the sense the failure route is processed).

        if (method=="INVITE") {
                xlog("L_ERR","LXLOG: INVITE  setting FAILURE_ROUTE");

So I am wondering whether @to.tag==""  works for empty To tag....can anyone confirm it?
