the details for organizing the 10 years SER conference in Berlin were settled. After the initial announcement the interest was quite high, by now we have a good number of attendees and speakers. We are still open for new speakers, with the target of showing use cases of Kamailio or SER.
The event will be hosted by FhG Fokus institute, where SER project was started. It will be a day full of presentations, followed by an evening social networking event. We hope to be able to provide the evening event for free to everyone attending, for that reason we look for sponsorships - if you are interested to sponsor, contact us and we will provide more details about available options.
Registration is now open for attendees. Note that the number of seats is limited, don't wait for the last minute to register. More details, including the registration form can be accessed on the event's web page:
* http://sip-router.org/10-years-ser/
Looking forward to meeting you in Berlin, enjoy a great summer till then, Daniel