I have the following error in connection with MySQL when I enable usrloc to use the DB (db_mode=1):

Apr 17 14:05:48 [32444] DBG:mysql:db_mysql_init: connection 'mysql://openser:openserrw@' not found in pool
Apr 17 14:05:48 [32444] DBG:mysql:db_mysql_new_connection: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@
Apr 17 14:05:48 [32444] ERROR:mysql:db_mysql_new_connection: driver error: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
Apr 17 14:05:48 [32444] ERROR:usrloc:register_udomain: failed to open database connection
Apr 17 14:05:48 [32444] ERROR:registrar:domain_fixup: failed to register domain
Apr 17 14:05:48 [32444] ERROR:core:fix_actions: fixing failed (code=-1) at cfg line 323

My configuration file is:

loadmodule "mysql.so"
loadmodule "sl.so"
loadmodule "tm.so"
loadmodule "rr.so"
loadmodule "maxfwd.so"
loadmodule "usrloc.so"

# ----- usrloc params -----
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode",   1)
modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "mysql://openser:openserrw@")

I see that mysql server is started and I've managed at installation to create the openser DB (using openserdbctl create).

Could you help me doing the troubleshooting of this ? What else should I verify ?
