Hi All,
Kamailio is sending a 200 OK back to an INVITE from Asterisk, and Asterisk is sending the ACK back but the AOR can’t be found in Kamailio
200 OK Kamailio to Asterisk with a contact of
Contact: <sip:fgectrdv@9ot28m83bkur.invalid;alias=;alias=;transport=ws;ob>
Asterisk ACK to Kamailio
Request-Line: ACK sip:fgectrdv@;transport=TCP;alias=;alias=;ob SIP/2.0
Shouldn’t Asterisk be using fgectrdv@9ot28m83bkur in the ACK? Or did Kamailio send Incorrect Contact?
Note: fgectrdv@9ot28m83bkur is the what Kamailio shows as AOR.
Thank you,