El Tuesday 15 April 2008 13:52:31 Pete Kay escribió:
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies:
debhelper (>= 5) dpatch
libexpat1-dev libxml2-dev libpq-dev libradiusclient-ng-dev
unixodbc-dev libxmlrpc-c3-dev libperl-dev libsnmp-dev libdb4.4-dev
libconfuse-dev libldap2-dev libcurl3-gnutls-dev
There is the error, still are missing dependences. Install them.
Also, may I ask what is the full path for
it's "packaging" directory isntead of "packages". My mistake.
Also, if the above two steps work, do I still need to
do make all
include_modules="mysql" to make openser working with mysql?
No, you will get all the modules as separate deb packages and install which
you need later.
Iñaki Baz Castillo