
I've repeated the test with 1Gb of shared memory (-M 16 -m 1024). free_size parameter fell to 2Kb during the test.


I've gathered metrics about tm module:
- tm.build_cell: 490Mb at the on the peak;
- other metrics take about 2Kb - 6 Mb


2018-01-12 5:13 GMT-05:00 Olle E. Johansson <oej@edvina.net>:
Can you please run “kamcmd tm.stats” and check the values. I have a similar problem and see clearly
a lot of transactions not being freed, eating up memory and ending with out of memory messages in the log.
Have an open issue about it in the bug tracker.


On 12 Jan 2018, at 11:10, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:


if you run with 512MB, is the shm free getting to 1.8MB as well for same figures of registrations and calls?


On 12.01.18 09:19, Andrey Deykunov wrote:

We use kamailio as a router in our PBX server. The test below causes significant decreasing of free shared memory and 
many "out of memory" errors in kamailio log:

Preconditions: kamailio server with 256Mb of shared memory allocated.

Test actions: run two load testing scripts at the same time: 
  1) 10000 register operations;
  2) 20000 calls (about 300 per sec);

    1) memory consumption in peak values:
 - shmem.free_size: 1.8Mb
 - core: 120Mb:
 - build_req_buf_from_sip_req: 12.5Mb
 - msg_lump_cloner: 23.6Mb
 - sip_msg_shm_clone: 84Mb
 - tm module: 118Mb
    2) shmem.free_size parameter back to normal after the test, so it could be concluded that we don't have any memory leaks.

Is it normal behavior or it's possible to do something to increase performance?

PS: the same behaviour occurs for various values of shared memory defined at the start of kamailio server (128Mb, 256Mb, 512Mb etc.).

Thank you,

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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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