As I said in my previous email, you need to read your error messages.
The attribute for the password is called User-Password, NOT Password.
It says clearly in your error:
"rlm_digest: Configuration item
"User-Password" or Digest-HA1 is required for authentication."
On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 15:42:52 -0000, Lokesh Kumar wrote
> Hello List,
> I have problem with the group membership checking of ser
calls with radius using mysql module.
> Well group checking is working fine with the users file but
when I try to do that checking with mysql entries it always getting failed.
> Below mentioned is section of my users file
> Sip-Group == "int",
Auth-Type := Accept
> Reply-Message =
> What should be the entries corresponding to the above
mentioned in mysql tables of radgroupcheck and radgroupreply.
> I am using freeradius-1.1.3 with default values in sql.conf
> Here are the table entries of mysql.
> mysql> select * from radcheck;
> +----+----------------------------+-----------+----+-----------+
> | id |
| Attribute | op | Value |
> +----+----------------------------+-----------+----+-----------+
> | 2 | | Password | == |
211069020 |
> | 33 | | Auth-Type | := |
Digest |
> +----+----------------------------+-----------+----+-----------+
> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> My sip clients can authenticate with mysql entries but can
not do group authorization.
> Please suggest something
> Thanks very much
> Lokesh
> --
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