Hi again,

Some progress.. I have configured heartbeat and with the crm option to set kamailio as resource i.e

crm(test-conf)configure# primitive Kamailio lsb::kamailio op monitor interval=15s

I can see that if I put the primary node on standby the kamailio instance starts on secondary node ! but this isn't working other way around e.g If Kamailio crashes the secondary node doesn't do anything. 

I've read people that they used sipsak and some piece of code that pings Kamailio and if it fails to respond it triggers to heartbeat. Is there any help on this !

Sammy G.

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:20 PM, SamyGo <govoiper@gmail.com> wrote:
OK thanks,
I'm trying this all for myself. once I try this, test this, and get something done I will post the tutorial for all. I may need help in this.

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Juha Heinanen <jh@tutpro.com> wrote:
SamyGo writes:

> Really appreciate that. Would you please like to contribute the whole
> procedure so that everyone knows whats happening here !!

i'm not able write a tutorial on how to setup and use
heartbeat/pacemaker.  virtual-ip and sip-proxy could be configured
something like this (i haven't tested it):

primitive virtual-ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip= broadcast= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=15s

primitive sip-proxy lsb:sip-proxy op monitor interval=15s timeout=15s start-delay=60s

order virtual-ip-before-sip-proxy mandatory: virtual-ip:start sip-proxy

colocation sip-proxy-on-virtual-ip inf: sip-proxy virtual-ip

-- juha

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