If you're only using Asterisk as a media server, why use it? Why not just use rtpproxy or mediaproxy? it'd be much simpler and you'd achieve the same thing.
Unless you need to do something specific in Asterisk, there's really no need.


Should help you getting started.


David Villasmil
phone: +34669448337

On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 1:21 PM Sujit Roy <sujitroydhk@gmail.com> wrote:

Here is my call flow scenario.

SIP Gateway (A)
Kamailio (K)
Asterisk (AST)
SIP Gateway (B)

Now i want to send calls from A -> B by using Asterisk as media server.
Kamailio shall be used to authenticate A and allow A to send calls to B.

What are the configurations i need to make in Kamailio and Asterisk ? 

Thanks in advance.

Sujit Roy

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