Hi all
We use kamailio 3.3.7 and rtpproxy for enduser call-termination.
In case of a fax call, we get an invite from our carrier for codecs G711a/u and T38.
As our termination carrier does not support T38 and because the invite contains G711 and T38 we get back error 488.
How is it possible to remove the whole T38 part of this invite?
We tried
sdp_remove_codecs_by_name(list) without success – what “name” should we use for T38? [T38, t38, t.38, T.38, …]
None of these functions did really work – best was the last one with type=image but then the sip header is malformed.
As we saw with Kamailio version 4.1.x there are a lot of new functions within sdpops. Would an upgrade help?
So basically the question is:
How to remove the t38 part of the fax invite? (see attachment)