15 okt 2012 kl. 13:24 skrev Peter Lemenkov lemenkov@gmail.com:
2012/10/15 Kamal Palei palei.kamal@gmail.com:
Hi All I am planning to enhance RTP proxy to support TLS and DTLS. We have some requirements where we need to send RTP packets either over TLS or over DTLS.
Shouldn't it be better to rely on SRTP/ZRTP instead rather than making your own incompatible realisation?
SRTP use DTLS for key exchange. There's also solutions for RTP over DTLS, but the recommended way is DTLS+SRTP. This is what's standardized for WebRTC, and the way forward for SIP media as well.
However, I don't see how RTPproxy can be the endpoint for DTLS key exchange, since it breaks the end2end path. Clients should use TURN relays...
Curious on how you see this working! /O