
I think for accounting you would need to replicate all messages in the dialog, not just the INVITE - and dmq_t_replicate() can only be used in REQUEST_ROUTE, so this is perhaps not the right solution to your requirement.

I'm also not sure if the dialog module will work without relaying - perhaps others can confirm and/or suggest an alternative.


On 16 May 2017 at 22:57, Jay Patel <clecny@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Guys,

Has anyone used  dmq_t_replicate  function to replicate INVITE?  Documenation says  it is useful for REGISTER , but does not mention anything about INVITE.

I am trying to do something like this

Box 1 )  Runs  kamailio stateless ( no dialog module )  and calls dmq_t_replicate  to box 2.

Box 2 ) Runs kamailio with dialog module , This box generates CDR and tracks call count

Goal is to restart kamailio on Box 1 without loosing CDR.

Any input is appreciated.!!


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