    After change $rU in  failure route , calling load_gws function. so lcr module changes request uri and fromuser  and it is wrong. here is example for more explain;
calls flows
1- 850xxx to 1021850yyy
2- 486 busy
3- going to t_on_failure route and then changing to request uri to 506aaa
4- re-format request uri to  20001506aaa
5- calling lcr load_gws(1,$rU);
6- lcr formatting to request uri to 20001506yyy
7- from user to (850xxx850xxx) appending last fromuser.

 8(10303) DEBUG: <script>: [ZTBkMThiZmQ1OGEwZmU3Y2M1ODI0ZDJiNTI3MTk2YzQ.][OUTLCR2][200015066109059] [850302]
 8(10303) DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:1943]: load_gws(): load_gws(1, 200015066109059, )
 8(10303) DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2014]: load_gws(): added matched_gws[0]=[1, 5, 1, 2247144]
 8(10303) DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:1887]: add_gws_into_avps(): added gw_uri_avp <1|sip:|5|200010|2|3020380345||5080||;transport=udp|0> with weight <2247144>
 8(10303) DEBUG: lcr [../../resolve.h:258]: str2ip(): str2ip: ERROR: too few dots in [3020380345]
 8(10303) DEBUG: lcr [../../resolve.h:355]: str2ip6(): str2ip6: ERROR: too few colons in [3020380345]
 8(10303) DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2175]: generate_uris(): r_uri <sip:200010503027337@ip:5080;transport=udp>, dst_uri <>
 8(10303) DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2492]: next_gw(): added flags_avp <0>
 8(10303) DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2499]: next_gw(): added tag_avp <2>
