I'm trying to implement custom CDR using OpenSER. What I do is, insert a record in cdr table on invite request. I get the id of the inserted row using LAST_INSERT_ID() function of mysql in avp_db_query and store in avp variable rowid. I set connect time in reply route when I receive 200 OK for Invite request. When I get 200 OK for BYE request, I update the cdr record and store connect time, disconnect time, duration, etc. But at this place(reply route) I get the null rowid so as connect time. According to tm module's onreply_avp_mode parameter, I should be able to see the values set from request route in reply route if I set that parameter to 1 but it has no effect. I can not use either avp variables or script variables as transaction variables to record custom cdr. Can anyone guide me implementing this scenario or tell me what I've done wrong?
Ruchir Brahmbhatt
Ecosmob Technologies