Hi Supreeth, I have attached pcap files . kindly check and let me know. filter of rtp packets and check.
*filter : sip || rtp*
On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 5:15 PM supreeth herle herlesupreeth@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Pavithra,
Thanks for the clarification. Can you please attach a pcap of the call where you are not seeing the RTP packets? And, btw is the call getting dropped or something in that scenario?
Regards, Supreeth
On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 13:34, Pavithra Mohanraja pavimohan3004@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Supreeth,
I have kamailio ims installed in 4 vms inside openstack. - pcscf in port 4060 (pcscf with NAT enabled in pcscf.cfg (!#define WITH_NAT) and configured rtpproxy) - icscf in port 4070 - scscf in port 4080 - hss
so all these vms are running in same subnet. I have a floating ip associated to pcscf. Now I have two zoiper clients outside openstack zoiper1 - (NAT Enabled Network adaptor) zoiper2 -
when i am making a call from zoiper1 to zoiper2, call is going properly . SIP messages are coming properly in wireshark packets. when i filter for RTP packets in wireshark, it is not coming.
when i have the zoiper clients inside openstack itself ,i can able to see RTP Packets in wireshark between two sip clients without any NAT related configurations done.
Kindly help me. Thanks.
On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 4:49 PM supreeth herle herlesupreeth@gmail.com wrote:
Can you explain some more when you mean by "RTP alone is not coming."? And, how are you checking/verifying that?
Regards, Supreeth
On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 13:12, Pavithra Mohanraja < pavimohan3004@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi ,
Yes I have configured as you mentioned only . In my pcscf only i have rtpproxy also configured. Floating IP i have given in listen address also as listen = advertise - private ip - floating ip Still RTP alone is not coming.
Is it the only way of configuring NAT ?
On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 4:37 PM supreeth herle herlesupreeth@gmail.com wrote:
Hello Pavithra,
Have you tried advertising the floating IP of the VM running RTPProxy as follows?
Edit /etc/default/rtpproxy file as follows:
# Additional options that are passed to the daemon. EXTRA_OPTS="-l -d DBUG:LOG_LOCAL0"
here, "-l <PUBLIC_IP>"
Hope it helps.
Regards, Supreeth
On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 13:01, Pavithra Mohanraja < pavimohan3004@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi ,
Could anybody please give me the approach how to configure NAT in kamailio IMS.
I have installed kamailio IMS in openstack environment which has private ips for all four vms (each component in one vm). pcscf has one floating IP attached. I have enabled "WITH_NAT" and configured rtpproxy .
when i make a call from outside of openstack using 2 zoiper clients with outbound proxy keeping floating ip of pcscf, I am getting 200 ok with all SIP packets correctly flowing but there is no RTP Packet.
When i try the same within openstack environment without using public ip, I am getting RTP Packets.
Kindly tell me the procedure of NAT Enablement or do i need to do anything other than this.
Kindly help because i am stuck with this for long time.
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