
            I’m a complete newbie to SER and I’m having a problem following the MySQL section of the “getting started” guide.


Whenever I try to use serctl to add a user I get access denied;


LabServ1:/home/chris# export SIP_DOMAIN=mylab.com

LabServ1:/home/chris# serctl add test1 test1pass test1@mylab.com

MySql password:

ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'serro@localhost' (Using password: YES)

error: SER/FIFO not accessible: 2



I think this may be down to the MySQL install.

I’ve installed MySQL and tested it, however I can’t find any documentation anywhere to show me what users, tables and databases to setup for SER.

I’m using SER on Debian.


It’s quite possible I’m missing something obvious.

I’d appreciate a pointer in the right direction.

