I don't know for certain if the textops module can
read the SDP
headers (I think it can), but your best bet is likely using the
search() function from textops.
Basic format is:
if(search("some regular expression here"))
do whatever it is you want
On Fri, 15 Sep 2006 00:18:43 -0700, Scott Keagy wrote*
What would folks recommend as the most efficient
in terms of
processing, and most efficient in terms of understanding/coding in
SER, for how to do this? I'm not up to speed on SER-specific functions
and ways of doing things yet.
One way I thought of is using the exec_msg function, passing the
whole SIP
message to a simple external script that searches for a
specific pattern in the m= line and returns 0 if it's found or -1 if
it's not found.
Are there other more straightforward ways to do this or is this
about as elegant
as it's going to get? Obvious shortcoming is you can
only choose between two codec or payload types, but this is sufficient
for my purposes.
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