Hello Klaus,
Tuesday, February 15, 2005, 9:09:52 AM, you wrote:
> I know. It's asterisk. But natively it not
support radius and is not
> B2BUA. So, it's my try to make b2bua from asterisk.
KD> Why is asterisk no B2BUA? IMO asterisk is a B2BUA. It terminates
KD> incoming calls and creates new call on behave of the incoming call.
Because asterisk handle 2 different call branches as separate calls,
and bridge them. B2BUA never do it.
KD> btw: there is already a prepaid solution for asterisk.
And you can integrate your prepaid solution with radius based billing,
or do any LCR or Failover? Don't think so.
KD> regards,
KD> klaus
P.S. b2bua.berlios.de - project's home.
> It's patched asterisk and some AGI script for
> What it support?
> Full vovida's b2bua radius emulation, radius failover, LCR, Call
> failover, Codec based routing and much other things that can be
> useful. Sorry, but I did not made good patch to Asterisk (it's patched
> stable branch CVS). Works in production, servs near 20 concurent calls, but
> sure can serve more.
> Sorry, no documentation yet, and I had not enough time to make real
> easy installation, (maybe someone want's to do it? ;) )
Best regards,
Mike Tkachuk, ph:380-3433-47067
YES ISP, fx:380-3433-47067
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