Hi Bernd,
Federrico already answered regarding the SIP part of the question.
Regarding the docs, if you are not feeling comfortable to add something by yourself feel
free to create an issue and somebody else might pick it up and improve the docs.
Henning Westerholt –
Kamailio services –
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernd Krueger-Knauber <bkk(a)ednt.de>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:03 PM
To: Henning Westerholt <hw(a)gilawa.com>om>; Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] remove_hf() does not remove the complete line
if I remove only 1 of 2 it is not against the standard, because one Via header line is
still inside.
But if I modify the documentation I would write:
"Attention: it is not working with a Via header field"
Then everyone thinks: ok, that is the only point where it will not work.
But how can I, as not a kamailio programmer, can know if this is really the only case?
So I would also write something which is not 100% correct.
This has to be done by a guy who knows this, and not by me as a kamailio learner.
Best regards,
Am 11.08.2022 um 12:56 schrieb Henning Westerholt:
Hi Bernd,
The Via header is mandatory according to RFC 3261, section 20, in Requests:
Header field where proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
Via R amr m m m m m m
You are asking Kamailio to do something that is against the standard. So, some people
might expect that it's not working in this case, and I personally would not call it a
Documentation would be never fully complete for a complex software like Kamailio, sure.
You could open a feature request or (even better) a pull request to improve the
documentation for the textops module in the Kamailio github.
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