Hi All.
I'm using ser-0.8.99-dev21 and I'm trying to create a module which will query
MySQL to see if the
number dialed is in a table of unassigned DIDs. The reason is that we use a third party
for PSTN
access and they assign us DIDs. If a DID is dialed that is not assigned to a ser
subscriber our
sip proxy routes the caller to the PSTN gateway.
But the PSTN gateway provider sees the DID as belonging to our sip proxy so they route it
back to us. And we get in a loop.
I've basically got my custom ser module working but there is a bug that I cannot find.
modules exports a single function called "is_did_unassigned()".
The bug is this - when I dial a number that is unassigned is_did_unassigned() returns
"0". But if
I dial a number on the PSTN the call to "is_did_unassigned()" hangs. So it
appears that when the
MySQL query returns zero rows the module freezes.
My question is this - can someone give the attached source code a quick look to see what
messed up. Please be nice - this is my first stab at ser modules and I'm still very
unclear on all
the db abstractions.
The MySQL table looks like this
CREATE TABLE unassigned_dids (username char(10))
My ser.cfg looks like this:
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/dbdid.so"
modparam("dbdid", "db_url",
route {
if (!lookup("location")) {
if (isflagset(31)) {
# Send to voicemail
} else if (does_uri_exist()) {
sl_send_reply("480", "Temporarily
} else if (is_did_unassigned()) {
# User Does Not Exist, but the DID is ours
sl_send_reply("480", "Temporarily
} else if (uri=~"^sip:[0-9]{10}@") {
# Send to PSTN Gateway
} else {
sl_send_reply("404", "User Not Found");
And finally the code for the custom module which provided the
"is_did_unassigned()" function is
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