Hi. I am using JAIN-SIP to create a SIP message client.
When trying to create Message, Address and Header factories using SipFactory, my program throws a PeerUnavailableException. This also occurs when I try to create a SIP stack- I get the following exception:
javax.sip.PeerUnavailableException: The Peer SIP Stack: gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl could not be instantiated. Ensure the Path Name has been set.
I have set the path name to gov.nist. Does anyone know why I am getting this exception even though I have set the SIP stack path? I am using Java 1.5. Maybe because the JAR file has been compiled with Java 1.4.2 the byte code is incompatible? Anyway I don't know. If anybody has any ideas about this please let me know.
Graham Forsyth
Graham Forsyth