On 15.03.2011 13:22, Jeremy McNamara wrote:
On 3/15/11 3:33 AM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
There are several functions in tm module to automatically generate Reason headers: http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/3.1.x/modules/tm.html#t_set_no_e2e_canc...
I saw these, but I do not think they help (as I need Q.850 reason codes)
A workaround would be stateless forwarding, then you can manipulate the CANCEL as you like.
Can you provide an example? I am not immediately finding a stateless way to send a CANCEL.
Instead of t_relay() use forward(): http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/core-cookbook:3.1.x#forward
Note: if you want to forward CANCEL stateless, you also have to forward the INVITE and ACK stateless.
regards Klaus