


I’d like to build Kamailio module db_postgres, with the PostgreSQL headers and libs in a non-standard location.

I’m trying to figure out how to do that, if it’s possible, without having to edit db_postgres/Makefile.


I see in the Makefile that it’s trying to find the files relative to $(LOCALBASE):


        # use standard know paths

        # libpq-fe.h locations

        DEFS +=-I$(LOCALBASE)/include -I$(LOCALBASE)/pgsql/include \

                -I$(SYSBASE)/include/pgsql -I$(SYSBASE)/include/postgresql \


        LIBS +=-L$(LOCALBASE)/lib -L$(LOCALBASE)/pgsql/lib \

                -L$(LOCALBASE)/lib/pgsql -lpq



However, LOCALBASE (which defaults to /usr/local) is used for many things other than PostgreSQL, so changing that is not a great idea, I think…


Any idea ?






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