The reason is, that in this version (or some little older) has changed
the database structure and serctl is broken there (most serctl commands
are unusable).
On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 03:41:57PM +0100, victoria beltran wrote:
I have installed the presence snapshot, and when I try to execute any option of
serctl command, the command is not found, for example:
serctl ps
500 command 'ps' not
serctl add usuario secret usuario(a)mydomain.com
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'ser.subscriber' doesn't exist
error: 500 Command 'ul_show_contact' not found
serctl showdb
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line
1: Table 'ser.subscriber' doesn't exist
Note: Due to usage of cache, server's list may differ from DB list.
The second command doesn't find the ser.subscriber table, then I have
checked the tables into the ser data base:
| acc |
| attr_types |
| credentials |
| customers |
| domain |
| domain_attrs |
| global_attrs |
| grp |
| gw |
| gw_grp |
| i18n |
| lcr |
| location |
| missed_calls |
| pdt |
| phonebook |
| presentity |
| presentity_contact |
| presentity_notes |
| rls_subscription |
| rls_vs |
| rls_vs_names |
| sd_attrs |
| server_monitoring |
| server_monitoring_agg |
| silo |
| speed_dial |
| trusted |
| tuple_notes |
| uri |
| user_attrs |
| version |
| watcherinfo
Therefore, in the ser database the subscriber, reserved, pending, event,
aliases, active_sessions and config tables are missing. I have followed the
quick install at
What is the matter?
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