Phone A ----->
Kamailio -----> Asterisk ----->
Phone B
( (
I think the flow it is like (because
when UAC register to Asterisk, the contact points to Kamailio IP):
1. Phone A --> Kamailio --> Asterisk
2. Asterisk --> Kamailio --> Phone B
In attachment is the pcap of the call,
kamailio config.
The problem is that I never receive
ACK after 200 OK and call drops after 30 seconds?
Kamailio version 5.1 and Asterisk version
Phones are grandstreams and also tested
with microsip soft client and same results... Like "Phone A"
never sends ACK back
I tried different approaches to change
contact header in 200 OK, because is Asterisk IP. Disable NAT handling.
Different "nat_uac_test" flags, but still without success :(