Valentin Rosic wrote:
Jiri Kuthan wrote:
Hello all,
* Features
All-in-one is an attempt to bring all related packages on a single
box using a simple installation procedure. The metapackage includes SER,
SEMS, SERWEB, SER_CTL. It is in its very early stage, so please help by
testing it.
* Requirements
debian. There is currently no other system supported.
* To use it:
- put the debian package repository in your source.list:
deb etch main cvs
- update package list and repositories:
apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
- set appropriate reconfiguration level to *medium*
- install ai1
apt-get install ai1
I would like to congratulate You for ai1 idea - I think It's great for
regular user to have ability to install ser via apt-get packet manager.
Just to make sure folks credits go to the right place: Pavel has done
lot of the actual work, and the suggestions to do this have been
circulating on serusers since quite a while.
But, I have question: will experimental modules be available via
apt-get? I see that there are only standard modules available.
I'm interested in presence and would like to use it in my ser.cfg - can
I just compile it and copy it to /usr/lib/ser/modules/ ?
Currently it does not support presence. I think that a workable choice
would be to have a "presence SER" as separate instance, optionally
linked to ai1. But what you are suggested should work well enough for a
more tightly integrated version too.